Early Prenatal Care
Note: Early Prenatal Care is the proportion of births where mother received early prenatal care divided by the total number births where prenatal care start time was known, by geography. Births with unknown start of care are not included in the denominator.
Early prenatal care is defined here as care beginning during 1st trimester of pregnancy. This does not account for frequency of care.
Limitation: Beginning in 2007, "Date of first prenatal visit" was collected in addition to the "Month prenatal care began" on birth certificates. This affects comparability of statistics before and after 2007.
Sources: State of California, Department of Public Health, Center for Health Statistics and Informatics, Birth Statistical Master Files and Birth Public Use Files. County of San Diego, Health and Human Services Agency, Public Health Services, Maternal, Child and Family Health Services (MCFHS).
Blank Cells: Percentages not calculated for fewer than 5 events.
Prepared by: County of San Diego, Health & Human Services Agency, Public Health Services, Community Health Statistics Unit, 2019.
Sample Interpretation: "85% of all births in Geography X received prenatal care".