Basic Metadata
Note: where other conditions are primary diagnosis, heat illness/injuries codes for any mention of a heat-related illness for any diagnosis category, not just the primary diagnosis. Cases listed in the standard primary diagnosis files are limited to natural heat stress occurring between May 1st - September 31st each year and only include deaths due to excessive natural heat. Heat Illness cases listed in the "any mention" files are the same but look at all occurrences in the year and additionally include deaths due to the effects of heat and light (T67 series). Coding comes from CDC definitions for Heat Mortality and Heat Stress. Condition new in 2017.
*Rates per 100,000 population. Age-adjusted rates per 100,000 2000 US standard population.
**Blank Cells: Rates not calculated for fewer than 5 events. Rates not calculated in cases where zip code is unknown.
***API: Asian/Pacific Islander.
***AIAN: American Indian/Alaska Native.
Prepared by: County of San Diego, Health & Human Services Agency, Public Health Services, Community Health Statistics Unit, 2019.
Code Source: ICD-9CM - AHRQ HCUP CCS v2015. ICD-10CM - AHRQ HCUP CCS v2018. ICD-10 Mortality - California Department of Public Health, Group Cause of Death Codes 2013; NHCS ICD-10 2e-v1 2017.