Basic Metadata
Note: Fetal Mortality Rate is rate of fetal deaths (at least 20 complete weeks of gestation) per 1,000 live births and fetal deaths, by geography. Reporting of fetal deaths is known to be incomplete.
Blank Cells: Rates not calculated for fewer than 5 events. Rates not calculated in cases where mother's zip code of residence is unknown.
Sample Interpretation: "There were 5 fetal deaths per 1,000 live births and fetal deaths in Geography X".
Prepared by: County of San Diego, Health & Human Services Agency, Public Health Services, Community Health Statistics Unit, 2019.
Sources: VRBIS- California Department of Public Health, Center for Health Statistics, Office of Health Information and Research, Vital Records Business Intelligence System, 2017. Cohort file: State of California, Department of Public Health, Death Statistical Master Files (before 2014), California Comprehensive Death Files (2014 and later), and Birth Statistical Master Files.