163,000 kilowatts (kW) of New Solar Energy Capacity Permitted (July 2019 - September 2022)
This measure is being tracked as the sum of the installed kilowatt (kW) capacity of solar energy permits issued each month.
How are we doing?
In fiscal year 2015-2016, we permitted enough solar
capacity to power 7,502 California homes.
Between 7/1/16 and
12/31/16, we have issued permits for 25,640 kilowatts of solar capacity for residential and commercial projects.
We are on track to meet our goal of 50,000 kilowatts for fiscal year 2016-2017.
In order to ensure we continue to reach our goal, we
have streamlined the permitting and inspection process; including implementing
an award winning online permitting process for residential rooftop
solar installations. The County currently processes 86% of solar permit
applications online.
Why is this important?
The County takes an active role in supporting
renewable energy and energy independence.
Through streamlined permitting and inspections, we help
families and businesses throughout the unincorporated areas of the County
decrease greenhouse gas emissions save money on utility bills and reduce our carbon footprint. Continued
and steady growth of our solar capacity improves energy security and reduces
our dependence on limited fossil fuel resources.
Homeowners can apply for roof-mounted solar and a
variety of other permits through our easy to use online Citizen Access portal. We’ve also created a simple
guide to assist you in navigating the process.
Where are we going?
We have set a goal that we will permit at least 50,000
kilowatts of solar capacity each fiscal year. This equates to powering
approximately 5,300 California homes per year. Increasing the use of renewable energy is an area of significant
interest to the region and we will continue to work with stakeholders to monitor
growth and be ahead of innovations within the energy industry.
How is this measured?
When the Department of Planning & Development Services issues building permits for solar energy projects, the size of each system is tracked in the permitting database. The total kilowatts of solar capacity is calculated by totaling the kilowatts of solar electric power for each installation permitted in the fiscal year. The number of homes powered is calculated by using data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Online Solar Permits
Learn more about online solar permits and how we are contributing!