Climate Action Plan - Measure T-3.4
Reduce the County's Fleet Emissions
The County “greens” their vehicle fleet by eliminating or replacing old, less fuel-efficient cars and equipment with cleaner alternatives such as electric and hybrid cars to decrease fuel consumption and emissions.
- 2020 Target: Reduce fleet GHG emissions by 10%
- 2030 Target: Reduce fleet GHG emissions by 20%
Fleet Emissions
Footnote: Data for 2015-2017 were extrapolated based on 2014 baseline and 2018 actual data.
How are we doing?
In 2023, the County reduced fleet emissions by 4% below 2014 levels. The County’s fleet of 2,500+ light duty vehicles continues to transition to cleaner fuels and technology to reduce environmental impact and costs. Since 2014, the County has reduced the number of underutilized vehicles through the expanded use of motor pools, partnered in a Clean Cities Coalition to share best practice knowledge, and transitioned to 99% renewable diesel to power diesel fleet vehicles—a clean-burning, non-petroleum fuel. The County has also installed 239 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations for fleet vehicles at County facilities, including 119 Level II EV charging stations at the County Operations Center.
Through 2023, there are 165 EVs in the County fleet with another 156 EVs on order and expected to be in service over the next year. The addition of these vehicles would increase the total number of EVs in the County fleet to 321 vehicles.
Electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions and can thereby improve air quality and lead to health benefits. Additionally, EV operations and maintenance costs can be lower than conventional gasoline and diesel fuel vehicles. In 2019, the County approved an Electric Vehicle Roadmap which sets new County and regional goals for increasing County fleet and private EV ownership and installation of public EV charging stations at County facilities and throughout the unincorporated county.
How is this measured?
The Department of General Services measures emissions reductions based on the total renewable diesel, diesel, gasoline, and electricity consumption of the entire County fleet. Each type of fuel produces a different amount of carbon dioxide equivalent per gallon (or kilowatt hour in the case of electricity) that is factored into the calculation of total fleet emissions. Emissions reductions result when the County scales down the number of vehicles in the fleet, opts for smaller or more fuel-efficient cars, uses electricity and alternative fuels to power vehicles, and simply drives less.
Why is this important?
The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gas emissions, heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere that cause climate change and environmental pollution. The County has over 4,300 heavy- and light-duty vehicles that provide various services to the entire unincorporated county. Reducing driving and fuel consumption in County fleet operations equates to fewer emissions from the extraction, transportation, and delivery of fossil fuels. Using electricity generated from renewable power and alternative fuels produces far fewer emissions than fossil fuels, preventing harmful air pollution, and saving taxpayer money.
Where are we going?
The County aims to reduce fleet greenhouse gas emissions by 10% by 2020 and 20% by 2030 by implementing green fleet and energy plans to reduce energy use and emissions from County operations within the unincorporated county.
In 2021, the Department of General Services began updating the Green Fleet Action Plan Implementation Strategy and Strategic Energy Plan to incorporate changing technology and regulations and meet the 2030 CAP target. County green fleet actions are an important component of the County’s EV Roadmap, which outlines strategies to improve EV adoption and infrastructure development in the unincorporated county to meet state and county climate action targets. Check out the Department of General Services Energy Management Program website for more information.