Fiscal Stability
the heart of the County's stability - even in times of uncertainty - is its
fiscal discipline and systemic financial planning and monitoring. It is
important for the County to have strong fiscal management to ensure the County
can continue to provide core services and the mix of other services sought by
members of the public.
size, diversity, and strength of a local government’s tax base impact its
ability to generate financial resources. Changing economic conditions - including
changes in the real estate market - impact the county's revenue and workload,
along with the strategies used to manage the public's resources. Read more...
represent an important component of the County’s long term financial
obligations. It is important to measure changes in the pension liability so
that the County can best plan for the long-term. Three ways to look at the
County's pension obligations are the pension funded ratio, unfunded actuarial
accrued liability, and the net pension liability.