Juvenile Justice Arrests
In 1899, reformers created a separate juvenile court system
with the dual goals of controlling juvenile delinquency and providing social
welfare to children and adolescents engaged in delinquent behaviors.[1]
Though the juvenile justice system has undergone significant reform that has
eroded some of its original welfare goals,[2] it
still tries, when possible, to rehabilitate and reintegrate youth rather than
incarcerate them.[3]
Youth most frequently come in contact with the juvenile
justice system through contact with police.[4]
Responding officers have discretion (see Police Stops and Searches)
in the actions they take when interacting with youth. Those actions may include
informal “adjustment” (requiring informal supervision of six months or less),
diversion into a community rehabilitation program, or filing of a formal
complaint or charges.[5] If
formal charges are filed, youth enter an intake process where officials decide
whether the case will be dismissed, handled informally, or handled formally
where it will enter the juvenile justice system and go on to judicial
processing. Youth judged in court as delinquent (essentially, found guilty of
the charges) will then typically have a disposition plan developed for them by
the court that specifies the consequences of the offense, whether it is
probation, restitution, incarceration, or some other outcome.[6]
It is important to study juvenile arrests because arrests
are most youths’ entryway into the juvenile justice system. Research has found
that the greatest racial disparity exists for arrests, followed by the most
punitive of punishments (e.g., receiving a carceral sentence or being
transferred to adult court).[7] In
San Diego County in 2018, Black youth were significantly overrepresented in
arrests and were more likely than all other youth to be detained
pre-adjudication than to receive a referral to probation.[8]
Hispanic youth had about equal proportions of receiving a referral or being
detained, but of those with a true finding, the majority received a commitment.[9],[10]
Nationally, people who were arrested at some point in
adolescence had lower educational attainment and were more likely to be in debt
and have lower assets and net worth in adulthood than juveniles who were never
arrested.[11] Additionally, juveniles
who were incarcerated had lower rates of employment and higher rates of adult
criminal offending and incarceration.[12]
In addition to recording information about crimes reported
to the police, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program also collects
information about arrests by age. These data are counts of the number of arrests
made by the reporting police agency, not people arrested. If, for example, a
person is arrested, released, and rearrested in the same month, they are
counted as having more than one arrest. On the other hand, in cases where more
than one crime is committed in a single incident, the hierarchy rule applies
(see Crime Rate),
only the most serious offense is recorded by the FBI, and only one arrest is
Nationally, arrests of juveniles have decreased sharply from
a peak of nearly 2.7 million in 1996 to 424,300 in 2020.[13],[14]
Of those arrests in 2020, 64% were of White youth, 32% were of Black youth, 3%
were of American Indian youth, and 1% were of Asian youth (data were not
reported by ethnicity or broken into any further racial or other demographic categories).
Only 29% of arrests were of females. Approximately 18% of juvenile arrests were
for property index offenses such as burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle
theft, and arson and 8% were for serious violent crimes including murder and
nonnegligent manslaughter, robbery, forcible rape, and aggravated assault),
with the remainder of arrests for crimes not traditionally considered serious.[15]
Data for juvenile arrests in this report come from the Automated
Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS) as reported by the San Diego Association
of Governments (SANDAG).[16] The number of
arrests per 1,000 people ages 10-17 years old was calculated to standardize the
measure for comparison but this can make rates in locations with small
populations appear artificially high. For example, one arrest in a town with a
population of 100 youth would have an arrest rate of 10 per 1,000 people 10-17
years of age.
shown in the figure below, the rate of juvenile
arrests in San Diego County in 2021 were generally low – less than 13 per 1,000
people 10-17 years of age. San Marcos had the highest arrest rate at about 12.5
people 10-17 years of age per 1,000 people, followed by Lemon Grove (11.6 per
1,000 people), Escondido (7.9 per 1,000 people), and National City (7.6 per
1,000). Each of the other police departments reported a juvenile justice arrest
rate below 7 per 1,000. To reduce the juvenile arrest rate, police departments
can instead divert some cases to community-based programs focused on meeting
the needs of juveniles that will prevent further delinquent behavior.
Data Information
Dataset: Equity Report Data: Demographics
Data Source: Automated Regional Justice Information System, SANDAG Population
Estimates 2021. Prepared by SANDAG Regional Criminal Justice Research &
Clearinghouse Division, January 2023.
include felony, misdemeanor, and status offense arrests. Camp Pendleton
population is not included in the total rates.
- Feld, B. C. (1999). Bad Kids: Race and the Transformation of the Juvenile Court. Oxford University Press.
- Ibid.
- Youth.gov. (n.d.). Juvenile Justice. Retrieved October 26, 2022, from https://youth.gov/youth-topics/juvenile-justice
- Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (n.d.). Overview: Law Enforcement & Juvenile Crime. Retrieved October 26, 2022, from https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/crime/overview.html
- Youth.gov. (n.d.). Points of Intervention. Retrieved October 26, 2022, from https://youth.gov/youth-topics/juvenile-justice/points-intervention
- Ibid.
- Zane, S. N., Welsh, B. C., Mears, D. P., & Zimmerman, G. M. (2022). Pathways through juvenile justice: A system-level assessment of cumulative disadvantage in the processing of juvenile offenders. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 38(2), 483–514. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10940-021-09505-w
- Keaton, S., Sauer, K., Schroeder, G., & Burke, C. (2020, September). The Role of Race and Ethnicity in the San Diego County Juvenile Justice System. SANDAG. Retrieved from https://www.sandag.org/data-and-research/criminal-justice-and-public-safety/evaluation-services/-/media/3D720CCFEC8E4D6A9362EF6BE52A7B92.ashx
- Ibid.
- “Commitment” is used in the juvenile justice system and is similar to “incarceration” (the language used in the adult system).
- Siennick, S. E., & Widdowson, A. O. (2022). Juvenile arrest and later economic attainment: Strength and mechanisms of the relationship. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 38(1), 23–50. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10940-020-09482-6
- Aizer, A., & Doyle, J. J. (2015). Juvenile incarceration, human capital, and future crime: Evidence from randomly assigned judges. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 130(2), 759–803. https://doi.org/10.1093/qje/qjv003
- Puzzanchera, C. (2020). Juvenile arrests, 2018 (National Report Series Bulletin). Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Retrieved from https://ojjdp.ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh176/files/media/document/254499.pdf
- Demographic characteristics of juvenile arrests, 2020. (2022). Retrieved October 28, 2022, from https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/crime/qa05104.asp?qaDate=2020
- Ibid.
- Sandag (2023). Arrests 2021: Law Enforcement Response to Crime in the San Diego Region.CJ Bulletin. Retrieved from, https://www.sandag.org/-/media/SANDAG/Documents/PDF/data-and-research/criminal-justice-and-public-safety/bulletin-arrests-2021-law-enforcement-response-2023-01-01.pdf
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Updated February 7, 2024